
Lauritzon online store has a 14-days return policy. Unused products in original conditions, bearing all original product identifiers and tags can be returned. Once the product has been returned according to the instructions, we will refund the full price of the purchased goods, excluding the shipping cost of the order. Returns are free of charge. 


Please follow the instructions below if you wish to make a return: 

  1. Fill in the return form, that was included in the package. Mark carefully which products you are returning.
  2. Include the return form in the package you are about to return.
  3. Pack the item(s) carefully. Use the original packaging, if possible.
  4. Use the return label included in your package and attach it on top of the package. Make sure it covers all original address information.
  5. Return the package to the nearest service point of the logistic company used. Make sure you get a return receipt.


Once your return has arrived and been processed at Lauritzon, we will issue a refund to your original payment method.